Heidi som strippa

Här är meljet som Heidi fick angående stripperiet.

Dear Mrs. Heidi Pratt,

As the nation watched you and your husband brave the jungle on I’m A Celebrity … Get Me Out of Here and continue to brave the ups and downs of The Hills and Lauren Conrad, we would like to take this time to present you with an opportunity that will allow you to be center stage — and have a lot of fun while doing so.

Allow me to introduce you to SCORES, the renowned and famous New York City based gentlemen’s club, well known for being a favorite hang-out local (sic) for notorious radio personality Howard Stern, NHL player Sean Avery, Russell Crow, Owen Wilson and Madonna. A Hollywood hot-spot in New York City for such A-list celebs and couples, much like yourself. As we took note that you will be posing in Playboy soon, we thought you may be interested in dabbling in yet another adventure that will most
definitely expose your softer side.

As we recently re-opened after a short hiatus, SCORES would be honored to have you dance at our club on the main stage each night for five days, upon which, we will offer you a fee of $25,000.

Ed Norwick



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