“How to Be Cool.” Brody Jenner
Jayde misshandlad
Och det allra lättaste för att ni ska förstå och det ska bli rätt så skriver jag exakt det som står.
Brody Jenner and his girlfriend, Playboy Playmate of the Year 2008 Jayde Nicole, apparently got into an epic fight outside of Guys and Dolls this morning.
Not with each other. It was both of them against the slimy Joe Francis.
Here's how it went down, according to Brody: he and Jayde were at the club celebrating his birthday when Jayde saw Joe hitting on an ex, "unrelentingly."
An ex-girlfriend of Francis', that is, but one Jayde Nicole and Brody know, and felt Joe was harassing. Jayde then stepped in and threw a drink on Francis.
Francis responded by pulling Jayde's hair,smacking her in the face and shoving her to the ground, where he proceeded to kick her. What an a$$hole!
Security broke it up and Francis was dragged off, but Brody was irate. He started yelling at Francis and trying to get at him until both men were ejected.
We can only cross our fingers that The Hills was being filmed at the time.
Outside the club, Brody tried to get back in to check on Jayde but security wouldn't let him. Jenner then saw and got a clear shot at Joe Francis, punching him in the face. Someone then tasered Brody and he collapsed to the ground.
Francis left the scene, where the cops came, but no one was arrested.
Jayde Nicole, who has a black and blue cheek, a swollen face, a bruised left rib and a sore lower abdomen, says she will press charges against Francis.
Brody Jenner took to (what else) Twitter to speak out this morning: "Joe Francis beat up my lady for no reason! Pulled her to the ground, punched & kicked her. what does that say about him. you call yourself a man when you beat up a girl??"
"Joe Francis is a piece of sh!t. Joe Francis needs to be in jail!!!"
No arguments here. Hey, he was there once before.
Brody och Jayde
De firade oxå 8 månader.
(skrev det innan, hade dock inga bilder då)

Brody säger
"Headed out to Malibu to hang with my mom and lady for my moms bday... Happy 8 months :)"